2017년 6월 13일 화요일

FAKE NEWS? Wall Street Journal: Disney Cuts Ties to YouTube Superstar PewDiePie

Wall Street Journal Video:

PewDiePie's Response Video:

This really shows how the News today became an industry, not a service. The news (even well reputed news sources) are extremely biased to the extent of speaking falsehood. Have you ever clicked a "click-bait" looking title? After reading the actual content, the reader is almost always disappointed or has a "meh' response as the title is exaggerated compared to the content itself. Wall Street Journal's video and articles (along with other news sources) took so many things from Pewdiepie's video out of context, I actually thought they were straight-up trolling the viewers. I realized eventually that these news sources new that 99% of the viewers would simply read the article, take it as truth, and move on, never taking time to watch pewdiepie's videos to check the truth. News sources today have taken advantage of that and literally writes whatever they want to. The goal isn't to inform the reader or present factual truth. Most new sources today has a goal to get the most click/views, and thus creates the most controversial news (taking things out of context) to get more views on their webpage. I personally, would recommend the Philip de Franco show on youtube as a reliabe and non-biased news source.

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