2017년 1월 5일 목요일

Response: Kentucky moves toward requiring ultrasound before abortion

Before anything else, I will affirm my position as a Pro-Life believer in the matter of abortion. This article talked about how the new Republican (obviously) of Kentucky made law a bill that required women to undergo an ultra sound informative session before the process of abortion. The bill was passed by an overwhelming majority of 83-12. The opposing opinion was that the women would be scared from the informative session and will be scared to abort the baby. I find this article very satisfying as it shows how deliberately unreasonable Pro-choice people can be. To make a decision, whether it's buying a new laptop, paying for your kid's school fee, or aborting, it is always better for the decider to fully know and understand what they are doing. To be ignorant of knowledge shows plain stupidity and creates a higher risk of regretting the decision once it's made. The article in of itself didn't have a bias as it simply stated facts. The website is rather unfamiliar to me, so I do not know what bias it has and which political party it sides with. The article's purpose was simply to inform people of a political decision but it restored faith in humanity for me. Also, even if I was Pro-Choice, I would like this ultra sound informative session because I would want to make the best CHOICE given the complete knowledge/details of the situation.

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